Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Leaving, Giving a sermon, Family Time

We are now on our way to our training in Texas and spending a few days in Arkansas with John's parents prior to starting our training in Texas. The last seven weeks since Cora was born have been filled with lots of activity emotions and see you laters (you never say goodbye right?). Here are a few highlights.

Some amazing women that Tracey works with put on a rummage sale that raised over $2500 for our mission. Thanks to the crew for the amazing effort you put into that. We didn't hardly do anything to help and were so blessed by your efforts.

Some women at church threw a shower for Tracey with lots of gift certificates for baby things and one Moby wrap which has and will continue to receive much use.

The church allowed me to give the sermon our last Sunday there. Link below if you are interested (the first minute is blank because I forgot to turn on the mic, you just miss some bad jokes).
What an experience that was. I have no idea how pastors do that every Sunday. I had eight weeks or so to get ready and felt overwhelmed. I learned so much in the process of putting that together and while I am not sure that I want to do it all that often, I actually enjoyed the process and giving the sermon that morning.

That Sunday was also the Sunday that we dedicated Cora before our church. While we are leaving for Africa we strongly desire to remain a part of our church and wanted to dedicate our parenting of Cora and her life to the Lord in front of our church body.

Speaking with so many people at our church that Sunday for the last time for a while, was something we won't forget. It was so hard to walk out the doors that day after all the encouragement and love we have received being a part of the Journey these last four plus years.

After leaving Craig, we spent three weeks in Denver staying with Tracey's parents. They were so gracious allowing us to unpack and pack taking up so much space in the house. The time with them those weeks was special for our whole family as we prepped to go.

During that time we got to visit with lots of people as we got ready to leave. Those times were special and actually provided us energy for all the other packing and prepping we had to do while in Denver.

Tracey's mother and sister threw a bon voyage party for us with lots of people coming by and encouraging us some more. Another very special time with lots of people.

Closed out the time with a family reunion in the mountains. A great time with Tracey's extended family that allowed me to get to know them better and fill a gap for us as we will miss cousin Scott's wedding in July.

The biggest thing (as you might tell) was all the encouragement we received from so many people as we prepared to go. There were so many people and we came back refreshed after every visit with energy to press through all the packing (separate post coming). We leave knowing how much we are loved with memories that will sustain us as we move forward.

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