Sunday, October 5, 2014

Enjoying Cape Town

 We arrived in Cape Town, South Africa on September 29th and we will be here until October 18th. We stopped here on our way to Madagascar for a few reasons:

1. We needed fuel.

2. We needed to allow our advance team to have a few more weeks without us there to prepare for our field service since our plans changed so last minute.  In order for us to be able to run the hospital well, we need to have things in place ahead of time. Our amazing advance team is in Madagascar making this happen right now! Please keep them in your prayers as they work hard to get things set for the ship. Some of them have been sick and they haven't had much of a rest in several months.

3. We are able to use this time for PR in South Africa. We have been giving tours of the ship and advertising around town. These things will, Lord willing, bring in finances and possible volunteers to join us.  It has been really exciting to see these tours in action. They have set up the hospital with a  kind of virtual tour so people can really see what we do. There are videos playing for them throughout the wards and OR.  It made John and I tear up to go through the tour, so I can only imagine the impact it has on someone who isn't familiar with what God does through this amazing ship. Please pray for these tours, that Jesus would be seen in what Mercy Ships does and that hearts would be touched.

We are excited to get to Madagascar and get the hospital running again, but we are making the most of our continued time of waiting. . .and Cape Town is not a bad place to do it! The ship is docked right on the waterfront, which is the most visited place in all of Africa! We can walk from our ship to the heart of the town with shopping, parks, good food, and lots of touristy things.  It's pretty amazing. Here are some pictures of the fun we are having! (and yes, John still does have to work during the week :) )

Jack and I out on a walk while the girls were in school and John worked

In the background is Table Mountain. This is a famous landmark in Cape Town
From our ship looking towards the touristy section. The girls can't wait to ride the Farris wheel.
Friday was a ship holiday, so we took the kids to the aquarium.  It was about a 10 minute walk from the ship!! It was a really great aquarium and the girls had a ton of fun.
You could get underneath and stick your head in the middle of the tank full of "Nemos". It was a highlight!


Another highlight. . .touching the starfish!


Jack liked watching them too.
John and my anniversary was on one of the last, very rocky, days of the sail. We didn't really do much to celebrate on the day so our friend Heather watched our kids for an afternoon yesterday and we were able to go hiking and have dinner.  It was a really great day!

View of Table Mountain from the trail head. We hiked a mountain called Lion's head

A bit steep in parts. Note the chains.

Stunning views!!!
After we hiked a mountain, the girls wanted to  hike one too, so today we took them up the cable car to the top of Table Mountain. It was hot and VERY crowded, but we really had a good time.
Playing in an old cable car from the 1940s while daddy waits in the LONG line to buy tickets.

. . .more waiting. Washing the deck with wet wipes :).

Yay!! It's our turn, finally.

Riding the cable car

Breathtaking!! That little pointy peak is Lion's Head (the one John and I hiked)

They climbed up these rocks and were so excited that they "climbed a mountain!"

Riding the cable car back down.

Taking the bus home!

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