Thursday, August 6, 2015

Finding blessings in change

Sorry we have not had a chance before now to update you on our whereabouts. We were thrown for some unexpected loops over the last week. We've learned with Mercy Ships (and with life) that flexibility is key to making the most of things. Nothing ever seems to happen the way we want it to but we have seen time and time again that God works his best into ever situation. Here's the scoop. . .  We flew back to Durban, South Africa on July 30th after 5 wonderful weeks in the States. 
We packed our time home with many exciting things and were able to see so many of you.  It was so refreshing and encouraging to get to spend time with our family and friends in the States.  We enjoyed our time so much and yet we felt eager to get back to our ship-home and family.  

Thank you so much for welcoming us into your homes, blessing us in so many ways, flying and driving many miles to see us and encouraging us as individuals and as a family.  It was really sweet to be surrounded by so many and realize the breadth and depth of our support group!

Before we left the States we learned that the repairs that are being done on the ship here in Durban were not done and the time in the shipyard needed to be extended.  This meant 2 things for us.  The first was that we were not able to depart back to Madagascar on August 3 like we had originally planned.  The second was that we could not move back into our home on the ship.  During this phase of shipyard (when the ship is out of the water) children are not allowed on board so families have to move off of the ship (you may remember our time last summer in the Canary Islands).

So. . . for the time being we are staying with several other families at a guest house about 30 minutes from the ship.  It is a lovely group of people and a really lovely location.  We are situated in a very nice neighborhood with large houses and beautiful landscaping. We have all our meals cooked for us, rooms cleaned daily and laundry done as needed.  The guesthouse is giving us a great deal and it is a very nice place to be. 

While we are sad to not be able to be in our home and despite being surrounded by such beauty and wonderful housing it is not easy all the time. We are wanting so much to be grateful for this gifts and appreciate this time for what it is.  I am hopeful and expectant that God can and will do great things in us during this time and I don't want to miss it by complaining J We are learning more and more about finding the blessings in change.

The plan at this point is for the ship to go back in the water around the 18th of August and for us to move back on board shortly after and set sail around the 20th of August.  We would really appreciate your prayers for the ship and for us during this time.

Would you pray with us that. . .
-All the repairs that need to be done would get done well and the ship would be ready to sail
-There would not be any more complications or new issues arise
-For our advance team that is trying to plan around an unknown arrival date, that they would be able to get all things set for the ship to arrive
-For our family during this time, that we would be able to get some time to relax and refresh after a busy 5 weeks in the States.
-For grateful and thankful hearts in the midst of many changes and uncertainty.

Thanks so much for your support and prayers.  We will let you know as we know any updates on our progress back to Madagascar and to a functioning hospital! Here are some pictures of the monkeys and the sunsets at the guesthouse!! Unexpected blessings of changing plans. Seriously. . .how could we complain about this??

Every night we are blessed with an amazing African sunset!

A monkey in a tree right off our balcony!

And one on the balcony too!!

We have a pool!! Even though it's winter here and the water is freezing, the kids have enjoyed taking a (quick) dip!

Our view of the breathtaking hill country around Durban.

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